Wednesday, April 20, 2011

The Road to Buddhism?


Well, honestly I am not sure if my present road will truly lead to Buddhism or not. However, I am taking a Buddhism class (Yes at a Jesuit university they offer this!). I love everything I have learned so far. I have been going to yoga more, and trying to meditate more.

I live such a crazy hectic life, and I tend to really look to the future or the past too often. Learning about Buddhism has changed my life, and perspective so much. Have you had an experience like this? It doesn't have to be in school, but I would love to hear about it!

Here are two amazing quotes I have read so far in class: 

Hatred is never quelled by hatred in this world. It is quelled by love. This is an eternal truth.”
"We have to be peace before we can make peace."- Thich Nhat Hanh

My dream is to go to India one day! Hopefully this comes true.


  1. Oh yes, I find learning about other religions and philosophies really interesting as well. I'm glad that you are enjoying it so much!

  2. i have heard soooo many good things about meditation! one of my friends is a neuroscience major and she said it affects the brain in so many profound ways!
