Saturday, March 19, 2011

Fast Kart (in my case slow kart)

This is my second blog post! Tonight I went to Fast Kart for the second time ( I felt as if I made a huge improvement from the last time I went, but apparently I was still very slow! Oh well! I still had a great time even if I went around the corners slow. I wish I had brought my camera to take a couple pictures, however I can describe to you the experience.
You wait in this lounge area, and watch this video. We barely watched the video, and they just turned it off and lead us to the helmet section. A hair net and helmet is required to race, so that was a cute look. The karts are very low to the ground, but super simple. Green peddle means go, and the black one (it might have been red) was the break. I really favored the break peddle I must admit.
The race track was very authentic, but lots of turns. We went for about fifteen minutes which seemed like an hour.
All in all it was a really great experience! Maybe next time I will be even better! :)
My next post I am going to update about my new internship that I am very excited for!
To conclude I found this quote: "The public is the only critic whose opinion is worth anything at all."
Mark Twain 
That quote is an interesting one to keep in mind while pursuing a career in public relations! 

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